The Magic Carpet - Hornby Companion Series Volume 8

The Magic Carpet - Hornby Companion Series Volume 8
Price Each:  £75.00Loyalty Points 75

Part Number:  Vol8-BO-O
Brand:  Meccano Literature

Delivery:  Surcharge of £5.00



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The Hornby Companion, from the Hornby Companion Series. Volume 8, by Roger Beardsley. Published by New Cavendish Books. This book follows the development of the Meccano and Hornby models through the ages. Many extracts from advertising literature, manuals, and magazines. Covers both Meccano and Hornby Tains and other vehicles. A must for the serious Hornby enthusiast. Second Hand, but in excellent condition. Hardback with 624 pages, with many colour illustrations and photographs.